Dianne Maynard Baker: BSN – U.of Michigan, RN, Composer, Photographer,Consultant ,Clinician
+1 734.678.0243 | diabaker@aol.com
I work to meet specific goals in fields of education, healthcare, ecology and following Dr. Richard Louv’s work and effort in getting the word out concerning the importance /need for ALL Kids To Be Connected to Nature so we can prevent “Nature-Deficit Disorder” ( Louv’s coined phrase after many years of researching and then documenting his findings in 9 books) My nursing education and background of a variety of experiences has empowered my drive to find ways to help people and share in many ways what I’ve learned along the way. I have used music and photography as interventions to help meet many goals and lessen the stress in their lives. I feel I have produced/published a wide range of creative work inspired by many who shared their love of God, love of nature around us and our beloved United States.